Sunday, May 15, 2011

Some Familiarity

We made it to Goa. Can I just say I am infinitely happier here than in Mumbai. Didn't realized I hated that city so much until we got out. Also, Goa reminds me of Harmons, Jamiaca, but without all the isolation.

The plan was to stay with one of Lee's longtime friends, but when we got here she said one of her friends offered to let us stay in their guesthouse and she thought it would be more comfortable for us. So we are not at Delia's but instead we are at Amelia and her husband's apartments. The other rooms are apartments that they rent, but the rooms we are in were unoccupied so they offered it. Amelia is a bit of a spitfire and I love it.

Delia, Lee and I went out for dinner last night after arriving and settling in. As soon we walked up a fight broke out between an Indian man and a Scottish man. A guard of some kind was right by but he just watched. Interesting. They settled down and were broken up by the Scottish guy's family, but a few minutes later he snuck up behind the Indian man and punched the back of his head, sending his face directly into the wall. They left eventually, we stayed.

It seems to be a trend, increasing in severity, my witnessing violence on the first day of being in a new city in India. Delhi is next so I'm just going to assume I will witness a murder.

1 comment:

  1. Delia and Amelia are two of my favorite names, and holy violence, Batman.
