Friday, May 27, 2011

Over Halfway

We arrived in Agra about an hour ago. It's been getting progressively hotter as we go, which was expected but still not quite prepared for. I never know the exact temperature but maybe that's best because why would anyone actually want to know when it's 115 outside.

Tomorrow morning we're getting up around 4:30 to go to the Taj Mahal for sunrise. Gotta make sure my camera is charged because I'm sure it will be beautiful.

Right now I'm sitting in the lobby, between two people from our group. Which is fantastic, by the way. Two women friends from England, one woman on her own from England, another woman on her own from Scotland, a man by himself from Florida (the only other American, sweet), two women friends, one from Canada the other from New Zealand, and a couple, the woman from Canada the man from Portugal. It's amazing, all of their stories.

The air conditioning doesn't feel like it's on, so I'm all sticky with sweat but that's normal by now. It will be sort of shocking to be able to take a shower and not feel gross immediately afterwards.

Which reminds me, last night before taking my shower I found this little bug thing that looked like a scorpion but was too small to be one. Lee wouldn't kill it and I didn't really want him to, but he just shooed it away, as if that was really going to bring me any comfort.

One terrible habit I've picked up on this trip is that I gorge myself whenever food is available. At home, I eat a little bit all day long, but here we eat three times a day, like normal people. But I find myself hungry all the time, because it's not natural for me to eat one big meal and then wait five hours. Also, there is a tendency of the food not being enough for me, given that I eat enough to weigh about eight hundred pounds. So whenever we're in a setting where I can have seconds, I usually have seconds and thirds and then end up feeling sick and looking pregnant. But then five hours later I'm starving again. I hate it and I can't wait to eat until I'm content, not stuffed, because I won't have to worry about being hungry all the time.

How blessed am I, that even when I might be feeling hungry, I've still had food that day. I get to complain about the fact that I'm not eating the way that I like. It's not as if I'm not eating, like so many people here. I'm in India, that's all there is to say.

So here is a picture of Lee to prove he is still on this trip with me, and because my battery is running out and I'm going to try and find some food to inhale.

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