Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Wrote a post, didn't get saved. Too tired to do this all again. It's 5:13pm in Charlotte and 2:43am here.


Flight to Brussels and Brussels airport:
  • the lady next to me fell asleep on my shoulder and I tried not to wake her up from my laughing
  • we went the wrong way in literally every possible situation
  • I accidentally flashed a French guy at Starbucks---how terrible
Flight to Mumbai:
  • smelled bad
  • tried to talk to the Indian woman beside me, we both spoke perfectly fine English but neither of us could understand the other so we mostly just sat there smiling and nodding
  • but I did find out she was coming home from a month in America---pretty cool
  • don't know what to say yet
Also, I am convinced that I will either 1. die of starvation by the end of the month, or 2. die of Indian food.

This is promising. Stay tuned.

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