Friday, June 3, 2011

T-minus Five Days

At lunch this afternoon, discussing my plans after we all say goodbye in Delhi with a woman from the group, I got a very nice compliment. She was asking why Lee wasn't too keen on staying in a tent in Rishikesh, since that's exactly what I want to do and am up for. She said to just say please and bat my eyelashes and then the plans would be settled. I told her I probably could get my way if I wanted because I am so spoiled. She was then taken aback and said, "Oh, no. I've never known someone less spoiled by the world, ever."

I think it's partly got to do with the fact that she had to convince me earlier this morning to buy a scarf for myself. I had picked one up that I was sort of rolling around in my hands, trying to decide what to do when she leaned over and said, "You going to get that one, Allie?"

"I'm thinking about it."

"For yourself?"

I just sort of smiled and said, "I'm not sure."

"You're only allowed to get it for yourself. Now come on."

She convinced me to do it and while the fact that I spent 1080 INRs (25$) solely on myself is still in the back of my mind, I'm glad I have people looking out for me and giving me advice. This woman in particular has never been condescending when she offers her little nuggets of wisdom, which I greatly appreciate.

Maybe it sounds cliche, maybe it sounds purely ridiculous, but I'm going to be really sad to say goodbye to everyone. We really are a fantastic group. We're all friends on facebook now and plans have already been talked about by a certain few for visiting each others' countries.

It's nearly 4pm and we are meeting at six for dinner so I think I need to go poke my head around in some shops and do a last bit of bargaining. Ugh, I hate that. I hear it's a good skill to have, but I can't wait to be back home where you simply pay what you're told and that's all there is to it. 

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